Markdown for Jupyter Notebook

Here below is a cheatsheet for some markdown for Jupyter Notebook. Are you working with Jupyter Notebook and do you need to document some of your Python code? Are you interested in knowing how to create headers, make text bold or create bulleted lists?

Here’s an article at Medium called Markdown for Jupyter notebooks cheatsheet by Inge Halilovic.


# title
## major headings
### subheadings
#### 4th level subheadings

Create Numbered Links to Document Sections

You want the user to be able to click on a link that jumps them to a section in your document. Perhaps you want to create something similar to a Table of Contents. How do you do that? Below is some markdown (not code).

1. [**First Part**](#1)
2. [**Another Section Here**](#2)

Later on in the document you will have a section that has a ‘1’ id in an anchor hyperlink.

<a id='1'></a>
# First Part

Hidden Text

You can create hidden portions of your markdown. The user simply need to click on some text that isn’t hidden to open up the hidden text. Here’s how.

  <summary><h5>CLICK TO SEE</h5></summary>

Why not try this or that?

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