Learning with YouTube

You can learn a lot from watching a video on a topic. On this website, I have included links to lots of YouTube videos that instruct viewers how to do something. What are some of the best YouTube channels for education in general and topics related to this site? Here below are just a few channels on YouTube.

Here’s an article at Mini Tool called Top 12 Best Educational YouTube Channels.

14 Best YouTube Channels for Data Science and Machine Learning. Alex Freberg’s YouTube channel Alex the Analyst talks about everything one needs to know about data analysis. Luke Barousse’s most-watched video is about becoming a data analyst without a degree.

Best Youtube Channels To Learn Excel (For Absolute Beginners). In this there are a couple of sites that I’ve used a lot and linked to a lot at the site. They are MyOnlineTraningHub and Leila Gharani. I’ve also used ExcelIsFun and Mr.Excel (Bill Jelen).

How To Learn by Tina Huang

Here’s a video on how to learn things faster and better. Tips to Learn Technical Things Faster. It’s by Tina Huang. I’ve used a few of these tips and found they work! Active recall. Environment Design. Rotating Between Focused and Diffuse Mindsets. Interleaving. Priming.

Active recall happens when you study something and then “close the book” and try to recall the information in your own words. You test yourself. You can say it in your head or out loud or even writing it down on paper or computer.

Environment Design is a concept in James Clear’s book Atomic Habits. When you are working, remove things from your environment that may distract you. Go to the library or your favorite coffee shop. Rotating between focused and diffuse mindsets involves taking breaks. Sometimes you study and get stuck. Go for a walk. Diffuse thinking happens when you allow your creativity, imagination and subconscious to run by themselves, allowing your brain in the background to make connections.

Interleaving is the mixing together of topics. If you are learning about computer programming, you might interleave databases or operating systems or a different programming language. This causes similarity and difference differentiation. You become more active in your learning causing deeper and understanding and better retention. If you switch between topics too often, you are multitasking, which is detrimental to learning. Don’t interleave when you first start a new topic.

Priming involves introducing new material before the lesson occurs. You could scan the table of contents or index or just flip through the pages and read the headings. It help you organize your thoughts, even when you haven’t learned the subject matter yet.

Study Hacks by Alex

Alex the Analyst has a video on Youtube discussing 5 study tips. The video is called 5 Study Hacks for Beginner Data Analysts! | Live Webinar.

  1. Chunking Method – group topics together to remember better
  2. The Protege Effect – teach others or pretend to teach others, make notes
  3. Build Projects – you encounter errors, learn what you don’t know, problem solve, think creatively
  4. Get Rid of Distractions – no movies, maybe light music in background
  5. Taking Breaks – even if only 5 minutes; do every hour or maybe 1.5 hours

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