Google Analytics for WordPress

If you have a WordPress site you are probably interested in how many hits your website gets and on what pages. You may be interested in how long those people stay at your website and what percentage of people go to more than one page on your website when they visit.

Why Use Google Analytics?

Google Analytics helps you make data-driven decisions by showing you the statistics that matter. What kind of statistics? You can get the geographical location of your audience, which browser they are using, screen resolution, JavaScript support, Flash support, language, and more. You can track where the users are going on your website, how long they stay on your website, and the bounce rate (the percentage of users who exit your site on the first visit). You can also find your most popular articles, articles that are not doing so well, and the kind of content your users are looking for.

How do people find your website?

One of my favorite WordPress informational sites is There is an article called How to Install Google Analytics in WordPress for Beginners that explains a lot. This article was last updated on July 12th, 2023 by the Editorial Staff and was reviewed by Syed Balkhi.

Sign Up with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is free, and all you need is a Google or Gmail account to sign up. The signup process is simple.

Google has placed a series of instructional videos on Google Analytics here.


Google Analytics 4 is the latest version of Google Analytics. It’s also known as GA4.


In order to use Google Analytics you need to have a Google account and then set up a Google Analytics account. You can have several websites attached to your Google Analytics account so when you give you account a name, choose a high-level name. Your access point for Analytics. You need at least one account so you can have access to your Analytics properties, which contain your reports. The account has some basic settings: Account Id, Account Name and Country of Business. There are some Data Sharing Settings attached to the account.