Upload Files in Microsoft Forms

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Microsoft Forms

Do you need to reach out and ask people to upload files? Microsoft Forms allows you to create a survey with multiple question types. You can also create quizzes. One of the new question types is the “File upload”. So users can now upload files! The files are automatically stored online in a SharePoint folder.

A bit of background. Microsoft Forms works with Microsoft 365 Personal accounts and Business accounts. However, File Upload in Microsoft Forms is only available in Business accounts of Microsoft 365. You can upload Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, audio files, video files, and PDF files.

Who can you ask to upload files? The person must be internal. They must be part of the Microsoft 365 Business account for this to work. If you want to request files from people outside your organization, you can use the Request Files feature in OneDrive for Work or School (previously known as OneDrive for Business).

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