SQL Server Ranking Window Functions

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series SQL Server Window Functions

Ranking calculations are implemented in T-SQL as a window function. When you rank a value you do not rank it alone, rather you rank it with respect to some set of values based on a certain order. The set of values is defined by the OVER clause. If the set is all of the rows in the underlying query you omit the partition clause. With a window partition clause you rank the row against the rows in the same window partition. A mandatory window order clause defines the order for the ranking.

To demonstrate ranking window functions I will use the following table from Microsoft Press’ book by Itzik Ben-Gan called T-SQL Querying. T-SQL support four types of ranking functions called:

  • RANK
  orderid   INT        NOT NULL,
  orderdate DATE       NOT NULL,
  empid     INT        NOT NULL,
  custid    VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL,
  qty       INT        NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
  VALUES(30001, '20130802', 3, 'B', 10),
        (10001, '20131224', 1, 'C', 10),
        (10005, '20131224', 1, 'A', 30),
        (40001, '20140109', 4, 'A', 40),
        (10006, '20140118', 1, 'C', 10),
        (20001, '20140212', 2, 'B', 20),
        (40005, '20140212', 4, 'A', 10),
        (20002, '20140216', 2, 'C', 20),
        (30003, '20140418', 3, 'B', 15),
        (30004, '20140418', 3, 'B', 20),
        (30007, '20140907', 3, 'C', 30);

Below is a query that demonstrates all four against the Orders table without a window partition clause ordered by the qty column. The ordering value is qty.

-- Ranking
SELECT orderid, qty,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS rownum,
  RANK()       OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS rnk,
  DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS densernk,
  NTILE(4)     OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS ntile4
FROM dbo.Orders;

Here is the output from the above query. The output is nondeterministic. What does that mean? If you run the query again you are not guaranteed to get the same results.

ORDER BY at the end

Let’s add an order by at the end of the query. Recall that the ORDER BY is the sixth step in our logical query processing and happens after select. It is only for presentation.

-- Ranking
SELECT orderid, qty,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS rownum,
  RANK()       OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS rnk,
  DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS densernk,
  NTILE(4)     OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS ntile4
FROM dbo.Orders
ORDER BY qty, orderid;

Force a Deterministic Result

Suppose you need to force a deterministic calculation of row numbers. How do you do that? You need to add a tiebreaker. In our case there are ties (duplicates) of quantity values. If there were no duplicates of quantity then our results would be deterministic. Adding an order by at the very end is just for presentation and does not make the results deterministic. Below is our new query that makes the results deterministic because we have added an ORDER BY tiebreaker, orderid that references a column with unique values.

-- Ranking
SELECT orderid, qty,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY qty,orderid) AS rownum,
  RANK()       OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS rnk,
  DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS densernk,
  NTILE(4)     OVER(ORDER BY qty) AS ntile4
FROM dbo.Orders;

Below is the results of the above query.

Dense Rank

One application of dense rank would be creating a sequence number based on dates. Suppose you were analyzing your favourite sports team’s box scores for all of the games they played. One column has the date of the game and each row represents each player’s statistics. You need game numbers that are a sequence based on the date of the game. Dense Rank will do the job.

Window Partition Clause

Available to all window functions is the optional window partition clause. Let’s compute the row numbers again but we will do it by custid. Each time we encounter a new custid we will restart the numbering at one. The row numbers are independent for each customer.

select custid, orderid, qty,
   row_number() over(partition by custid order by orderid) as rownum
   from dbo.orders
   order by custid, orderid

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