SQL Server Count Duplicates

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series SQL Count

You may have a need to count the number of duplicates in a column. Perhaps you want to make sure that there are no duplicates in a column because you notice that a column is not set as a primary key, but should be set as a primary key. Going back to our previous example in the previous post, let’s count the duplicates.

The Microsoft Press book T-SQL Querying by Ikzik Ben-Gan et al has an example table called Orders that you could use in a non-production server. We could use this table to illustrate the basics of COUNT. The script below creates the table and populates it with a bit of data.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Orders(
  orderid INT     NOT NULL,
  custid  CHAR(5)     NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, custid) VALUES
  (1, 'FRNDO'),
  (2, 'FRNDO'),
  (3, 'KRLOS'),
  (4, 'KRLOS'),
  (5, 'KRLOS'),
  (6, 'MRPHS'),
  (7, NULL   );

Let’s count all of the duplicates.

SELECT custid, COUNT(*) AS 'Number of Rows > 1'
FROM dbo.Orders
GROUP BY custid

Perhaps you don’t want all of the duplicates.

SELECT TOP 1 custid, COUNT(*) AS 'Number of Rows > 1'
FROM dbo.Orders
GROUP BY custid
ORDER BY 'Number of Rows > 1' DESC

Belwo is the SSMS screenshot of the above query.

Total Number of Duplicates using CTEs

Let’s use common table expressions. We’ll go back to the first query at the top of this post.

WITH c (Num_Rows) AS
   SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Num_rows'
   FROM dbo.Orders 
   GROUP BY custid
   HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
SELECT SUM(Num_rows) AS 'Total rows'

You get the number 5 back, which is 2 plus 3.

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