Resources for Learning Python

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Python

YouTube has several good resources for learning Python. There are also several books on Python. At this website I have several posts on Python, but they are no substitute for a proper course in Python.

I have the book Python for Data Analysis, Data Wrangling with pandas, NumPy & Jupyter, Third Edition, by Wes McKinney, 2022, O’Reilly. It rates 4.4 on and is a best seller in the Data Mining category.

Learn with YouTube

Here is a series of videos by Corey Schafer on Python classes. Here are a few YouTube videos.

Here below is a Udemy course that Alex the Analyst recommends in his video called DIY Data Analyst Curriculum using Udemy (Under $75). The course is called The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python.

Learn Python – Full Course for Beginners [Tutorial]

This video is from and is actually 4 hours and 26 minutes. This is a full introduction into all of the core concepts in Python.

10 Python Tips and Tricks For Writing Better Code is another video by Corey Schafer.

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