MailChimp Pricing Plans

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series MailChimp

MailChimp has three pricing plans: Forever Free, Monthly Plan and Pay-As-You-Go. Here is some basic information from the MailChimp website.

There are four pricing plans: Premium, Standard, Essentials, and Free. This link is in Canadian Dollars.


You might decide to start with the free account. It allows for a maximum of 500 contacts and a maximum of 1000 monthly emails sent. For a business starting out this might be adequate. There are other limitations and other features that you do not get with this plan.

Here are a few limitations. Users the maximum number of users that can access your Mailchimp account. Essentials, Standard, and Premium plans include user-based roles. MailChimp uses the concept of audiences. Audiences help separate distinctly different subsets of people you communicate with. Adding a contact to more than one audience will count them toward your plan’s contact count as many times as they appear. The maximum number of audiences allowed in your free Mailchimp account is one. Audiences help separate distinctly different subsets of people you communicate with. Adding a contact to more than one audience will count them toward your plan’s contact count as many times as they appear.

Pre-built Email Templates help you to sell more with 100+ customizable email templates personalized to your industry and brand. Free plan access limited to certain pre-built templates. Paid plans have access to all pre-built templates.

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