HTML Character References (Entities)

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series HTML

With HTML you can display special characters using character references. You can go to Elizabeth Castro’s web site to see them. Many other websites show them as well. For example, to display the copyright symbol you use © in an HTML document. These are called HTML entities.

In WordPress you can create some blank space with the   characters between the paragraph tags.


and it will look like this: ©

ASCII uses the values from 0 to 31 (and 127) for control characters. ASCII uses the values from 32 to 126 for letters, digits, and symbols. ASCII does not use the values from 128 to 255.

Here is a table of ASCII characters (the printable ones) and their HTML entities. ASCII is a character set that uses codes.

Character Entity Name Entity Number Description
! ! Exclamation mark
" Quotation mark
# # Number sign
$ $ Dollar sign
% % Percent sign
& & & Ampersand
' Apostrophe
( ( Opening/Left Parenthesis
) ) Closing/Right Parenthesis
* * Asterisk
+ + Plus sign
, , Comma
- Hyphen
. . Period
/ / Slash
0 0 Digit 0
1 1 Digit 1
2 2 Digit 2
3 3 Digit 3
4 4 Digit 4
5 5 Digit 5
6 6 Digit 6
7 7 Digit 7
8 8 Digit 8
9 9 Digit 9
: : Colon
; &#59; Semicolon
< &lt; &#60; Less-than
= &#61; Equals sign
> &gt; &#62; Greater than
? &#63; Question mark
@ &#64; At sign
A &#65; Uppercase A
B &#66; Uppercase B
C &#67; Uppercase C
D &#68; Uppercase D
E &#69; Uppercase E
F &#70; Uppercase F
G &#71; Uppercase G
H &#72; Uppercase H
I &#73; Uppercase I
J &#74; Uppercase J
K &#75; Uppercase K
L &#76; Uppercase L
M &#77; Uppercase M
N &#78; Uppercase N
O &#79; Uppercase O
P &#80; Uppercase P
Q &#81; Uppercase Q
R &#82; Uppercase R
S &#83; Uppercase S
T &#84; Uppercase T
U &#85; Uppercase U
V &#86; Uppercase V
W &#87; Uppercase W
X &#88; Uppercase X
Y &#89; Uppercase Y
Z &#90; Uppercase Z
[ &#91; Opening/Left square bracket
\ &#92; Backslash
] &#93; Closing/Right square bracket
^ &#94; Caret
_ &#95; Underscore
` &#96; Grave accent
a &#97; Lowercase a
b &#98; Lowercase b
c &#99; Lowercase c
d &#100; Lowercase d
e &#101; Lowercase e
f &#102; Lowercase f
g &#103; Lowercase g
h &#104; Lowercase h
i &#105; Lowercase i
j &#106; Lowercase j
k &#107; Lowercase k
l &#108; Lowercase l
m &#109; Lowercase m
n &#110; Lowercase n
o &#111; Lowercase o
p &#112; Lowercase p
q &#113; Lowercase q
r &#114; Lowercase r
s &#115; Lowercase s
t &#116; Lowercase t
u &#117; Lowercase u
v &#118; Lowercase v
w &#119; Lowercase w
x &#120; Lowercase x
y &#121; Lowercase y
z &#122; Lowercase z
{ &#123; Opening/Left curly brace
| &#124; Vertical bar
} &#125; Closing/Right curly brace
~ &#126; Tilde

HTML Arrows

Have a look at an article called UTF-8 Arrows at for arrow symbols. For example, the down arrow is ↓ and is expressed with


At w3schools there are several pages of information on HTML symbols. You can do emoticons. The one below is &#x1F600;


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