Genesis Framework video

Genesis Executive Pro

Here is a detailed video on YouTube about the Genesis Framework. To develop using Genesis you will need to purchase two items. There is a one-time only fee for the Genesis Framework code and a fee for each Child Theme that you download. If you want another theme, you need to pay for the new theme only and never have to pay for the Genesis Framework code again. Also, once you have paid for the Genesis Framework you get all of their updates and support for free forever.

The cost of the Framework and one Child Theme is about $99 USD. The video below shows you how to download and install the software. It goes on to show you how to create a sample web site.

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  1. First, purchase and install Genesis Framework –
  2. Install the Child Theme – Executive Pro –
  3. Activate the new Child Theme, Executive Pro

The next thing you need to do is install three plugins. Go to your WordPress Plugins screen and search for these plugins, install them and active them. You can install and active them one at a time. There are instructions on the Internet that tells you to do this. Go to the Studiopress web site log into your account. Navigate to Downloads. Scroll down to Executive Pro and click the link called Theme Setup.

  • Genesis eNews Extended
  • Genesis Responsive Slider
  • Regenerate Thumbnails

Add some more plugins listed below. Install and activate them.

  • Contact Form 7
  • Reveal IDs
  • Magic Action Box
  • WP Gallery Custom Links

Dashboard, Appearance, Header
They are looking for an image that is 260 x 100 pixels. Upload your image.
Create some pages: About.
This themes includes some SEO settings at the bottom of each page you create. If you install third party SEO plugins, such as Yeost SEO, then Executive Pro is smart enough to deactivate its own SEO and let you use Yeost. Either way will work.
Add a page that will be your blog. Add a new page, call it Blog, and change the page template to Blog. Publish it.
Add a Contact Us page. Plugins, Installed Plugins, Contact Form 7 Settings.
Create a Custom Menu and add your pages to it.

Manage Locations

This theme supports two menu locations. Click on the tab at the top. For this web site these two locations will not be used so there is nothing to do in here. The other menu location is in the header and that is the one we will be using.


Create a couple of posts. Always include a title and alternative text when you add pictures. Click the Screen Options link at the top of the post page and be sure Excerpts is checked. This theme uses Featured images for the slider, so you need to upload your featured image. Before doing that you need to be sure that your image is the correct dimensions for the slider. It wants 1140px by 445px.

Responsive Slider