Favicon for Child Theme

Here is a Lynda.com video up on Youtube that shows you how to add a favicon to your web site. It requires creating the favicon, uploading it and then editing your template file to add a line of code to reference the file you uploaded. This is a small thing that makes a big difference and is forgotten by some developers.

Favicons are little tiny logos. They have the icon file type .ico

PNG transparent file can used to create a favicon by going to a web site, x-icon, that will convert your file to an icon file. Assuming that you created a favicon called favicon.ico you now need to open your header.php file and add a line of code under head as shown below.

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_url(); ?>/favicon.ico" />

Do you need to make a logo? You can go to a website to do it for free. Try logomakr.com. Logo Maker is easy to use and it’s free. You work with layers so that you can add text and more images and put one on top of another. This website can also be used to make favicons.