Facebook Pages

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Facebook

Facebook Profile

A Facebook Profile is a personal account on Facebook. When you join Facebook, you get a Profile. This is a place where you can connect with friends, see their posts in your news feed, post your thoughts, pictures and so on. According to Facebook Terms of Service you are allowed one, and only one, Facebook Profile. You may not use your Profile for business. If people need to spend money to use your post, and you will personally profit when that money is spent, then you are not allowed to post it on a personal Profile.

Facebook Page

A Facebook Page is a public meeting spot you create on Facebook. You use it to promote something such as a company, a cause, a product, a television show or a performing arts group or celebrity. Unlike personal profiles, pages do not gain “friends,” but “fans” – which are people who choose to “like” a page.

Here is how Jennifer Fong explains how a Page works on Facebook and how you can use you Profile to help promote your business or organization.

A business Page is an area on Facebook where people have to click the “Like” button in order to see your content in their news feed. Unlike the personal Profile, which is 2-way communication (i.e. When you friend someone through your Profile, you see their updates in your news feed, and they see your updates in their news feed), a Facebook Page is one-way only. This means that the person who likes your Page will see your Page updates in their news feed, but you will NOT see their Profile updates in your news feed. Facebook Terms of Service allow businesses to post updates from which they will financially profit because the people who have liked the Page have essentially “opted-in” to receive those updates from the business. They have given permission to have those business updates appear in their news feeds. Therefore, if you intend to post things like specials, opportunity calls, etc., then you need to have a business Page.

On your Profile, you can talk about your business as it relates to you personally, but you can’t ask people to spend money. So for example, you can express enthusiasm about your latest team meeting, share your personal excitement about achieving the company incentive trip, welcome a new member of your team, and gush about how much fun your last party was. Notice that each of these examples highlight your personal experiences with your business, but don’t ask people to do anything.

Facebook Group

Facebook Groups are the place for small group communication and for people to share their common interests and express their opinion. Groups allow people to come together around a common cause, issue or activity to organize, express objectives, discuss issues, post photos and share related content.

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