Electron Framework

With Electron, you can build cross platform desktop applications with JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It is an open source framework developed by and maintained by GitHub. Electron combines the Chromium rendering engine and the Node.js runtime.

Electron is the main GUI framework behind several notable open-source projects including Atom, GitHub Desktop, Light Table, Visual Studio Code and WordPress desktop.

As Wikipedia says: “Electron applications are composed of multiple processes. There is the “browser” process and “renderer” processes, the browser process is where your core application logic and window management goes. This process can then launch multiple renderer processes which are the windows that actually appear on a user’s screen rendering HTML and CSS. Both the browser and renderer processes can run with Node.js integration if that option is enabled. Most of Electron’s APIs are written in C++ or Objective-C and then exposed directly to your application through JS bindings so you can write your entire app in JS.”