Color Gradients

Do you need to add a gradient color for the website (or other projects) you are building? You can get some suggestions over at the website Have a look through. They give you the color codes. This one below is called Kye Meh and the hex codes are #8360c3 and #2ebf91.

For the HTML code that I used to display the above example, you can go to an article at called SVG Gradient – Linear. The HTML that I used here uses RGB color, whereas at w3schools they use the hex code. The HTML code uses SVG. I have a brief post here at this site called SVG in HTML. The one below is called Ultra Violet.

Ultra Violet #654ea3 #eaafc8



Wiretap #8A2387 #E94057 #F27121

Digital Synopsis

There is an article at Digital Synopsis called 30 Beautiful Color Gradients For Your Next Design Project that some more grdient examples. These examples are more subtle that the ones above. The first one is called Cochiti Lake.

Cochiti Lake #93a5cf #e4efe9

Everlasting Sky #fdfcfb #e2d1c3