BBC Micro Bit

What is the BBC Micro Bit? Wikipedia says: “The Micro Bit is an open source hardware ARM-based embedded system designed by the BBC for use in computer education in the UK. It was first announced on the launch of BBC’s Make It Digital campaign on 12 March 2015 with the intent of delivering 1 million devices to pupils in the UK.”

The BBC micro bit has a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 CPU, 256KB Flash, 16KB RAM, Onboard light, compass, accelerometer and temperature sensors, two programmable buttons, 25 red LED lights (that you can use for scrolling messages, and Bluetooth low energy (BLE). It is half the size of a credit card. An accelerometer is a device that measures changes in gravitational acceleration in a device it may be installed in. To sense motion in multiple directions, an accelerometer must be designed with multi-axis sensors or multiple linear axis sensors. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) allows it to interact with other devices and the Internet.

Here is a short “advertisement” by the BBC that’s only 1 minute and 40 seconds. It’s called Introducing the BBC micro:bit – BBC Make It Digital.

You write programs on a PC/laptop and they you send it over to your micro bit and run them. There is one YouTube video called What is the BBC micro:bit – Gary explains that reviews the BBC micro bit.