Color Palettes

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Color

Are you looking for some colors to use on your charts and graphs? Are you looking for some colors that are “easy” on the eyes? I don’t want to use the standard colors on my charts because they tend to look too intense, almost child-like. You also want to choose colors that work well together. And thirdly, you want to take into consideration those that are color blind, or have difficulty distinguishing certain colors, particularly red and green. They can look like shades of brown.

Color Names

Here’s an article by called HTML Color Names.

Stephen Few

Stephen Few suggests a list of 9 colors (Gray, Blue, Orange, Green, Pink, Brown, Purple, Yellow, Red) that work well together. They are shown in the table after the first three colors of red, green and blue. These 9 colors can be separated into meaningful color palettes using the various hues. Light and medium hues for conventional use and bright hues for highlighting. The following table shows Stephen’s Light colors, after the first three colors.

Color Hex Code R G B
Red #FF0000 255 0 0
Green #00FF00 0 255 0
Blue #0000FF 0 0 255
grey #8C8C8C 140 140 140
blue #88BDE6 136 189 230
orange #FBB258 251 178 88
green #90CD97 144 205 151
pink #F6AAC9 246 170 201
brown #BFA554 191 165 84
purple #BC99C7 188 153 199
yellow #EDDD46 237 221 70
red #F07E6E 240 126 110


If you are programming in Python and you want to use some of Stephen Few’s Light colors, you could create variables for that. SFL stands for Stephen Few Light.

SFLgrey = '#8C8C8C'; SFLblue = '#88BDE6'; SFLorange = '#FBB258'; SFLgreen = '#90CD97'; SFLpink = '#F6AAC9'
SFLbrown = '#BFA554'; SFLpurple = '#BC99C7'; SFLyellow = '#EDDD46'; SFLred = '#F07E6E'

Below is a seven-color palette that has the light colors above in this order: red, pink, orange, brown, yellow, green and blue.

color = ['#F07E6E', '#F6AAC9', '#FBB258', '#BFA554', '#EDDD46', '#90CD97', '#88BDE6']
color = ['', '', '', '', '', '']

The Right Colors

Here is an article called The Right Colors Make Data Easier To Read from the Harvard Business Review. They say “When colors are paired with the concepts that evoke them, we call these ‘semantically resonant color choices.'” If you are charting fruit sales, you might want to use yellow for bananas and purple for grapes. Semantically resonant colors may help improve graph-reading performance, provided that they are not too many intense colors to look at.


Colors have different meaning indifferent cultures. The previous link takes you to

More Information

There’s lots of information on the web regarding color palettes. Try GoVisually. There are many many other websites that discuss color. For some popular color palettes you could go to Color Hunt.

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