group_by Function in R
The group_by function is often combined with other functions. In the console. Palmer Penguins The penguin data has […]
The group_by function is often combined with other functions. In the console. Palmer Penguins The penguin data has […]
The dplyr package is a member of R’s tidyverse package. The tidyverse package is a set of packages. […]
The summarise function in R returns one row for each combination of grouping variables. Note that summarise() and […]
The ChickWeight data frame is a simple longitudinal study of several diets and their impact on chick body […]
The separate function in R will take a column’s data and separate it into multiple columns. One easy […]
Communicating your work is an important step in your work as an analyst. There are other methods for […]
We can use the ggplot2 facet functions to display our data in new ways. Facet functions let you […]
How do you customize the look and feel of our ggplot plots in R? To annotate means to […]
The ggplot2 package lets you make high-quality, customizable plots of your data. ggplot2 is based on the grammar […]
When organizing or tidying your data using R, you might need to convert wide data to long data […]
Sometimes you have extra spaces in your text string. You need to clean that up. trimws() removes leading […]
In the data analytics life cycle, in the second phase, you will be preparing your data. This involves […]