- Seaborn Introduction
- Tips Dataset in Seaborn
- Seaborn Style and Color
At the seaborn website there is an article called Controlling Figure Aesthetics. There is another article called Choosing Color Palettes.
The geeksforgeeks.org website covers style and color in seaborn and it uses the Tips dataset to illustrate some features. The article is called Seaborn | Style And Color.
You can set your color palette in seaborn.
1 | #Colors to be used in the plots |
2 | color = [ "#f94144" , "#f3722c" , "#f8961e" , "#f9c74f" , "#90be6d" , "#43aa8b" , "#577590" ] |
3 | sns.palplot(color) |
Below is a few codes from a light color palette from Stephen Few, which I have listed in the post called Color Palettes.
1 | color = [ '#F07E6E' , '#FBB258' , '#EDDD46' , '#BC99C7' , '#90CD97' , '#88BDE6' ] |