Remove Duplicates

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Excel Power Query

In Power Query it is easy to remove duplicates. There is however something to be aware of. Power Query is case sensitive. You may need to apply a transformation before you remove the duplicates. For example, you might want to capitalize each word or make all the letters capitalized or small case.

Are you working with one column or more than one column? Suppose you have hierarchical data such as product department and product family. You’ve got the hardware department with families of power tools, hand tools and so on. You want to see a list of the combinations of the department and family. We want to remove duplicates from the Product (or Inventory) table to get a list of unique combinations of these two columns. Another example would be a Human Resources table that has Department and Position data in two columns.

How do you remove duplicates in Power Query? Select the column or columns, right-mouse click, and choose Remove Duplicates from the pop-up.

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