Microsoft Azure Exams

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Azure

There are 11 different Azure Certifications. They can be grouped into four groups: Fundamentals, Associate, Expert, and Specialty. Most certifications require you to pass only one exam, but two of them require you to pass two exams. Always remember, this will change at some point in the future as it always does.


There is only one fundamentals exam with one certification badge.

Note on the links: Clicking on the above word Fundamentals takes you to a post at this site, whereas clicking on the exam code AZ-900 takes you to the Micosoft page on that exam.


There are seven associate exams and six certification badges.


There are three expert exams with two expert certifications.


There are two specialty exams with two certification badges.

What Exam Should I Take?

To answer that you could watch the YpuTube video called Which Azure Exam should You take | Azure Certification Path 2020 | Prep Timelines | Yatharth Kapoor.

Azure Certification Path

Below is a diagram from that hows the different exam paths.


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