Calculated Fields in Tableau

In Tableau, a calculated field performs calculations that may be based on other fields. Think of a spreadsheet that has a few columns of data. You may find that you need to create another column to do a calculation. A calculated field is a new field (column) that is not in your dataset.

The Sample – Superstore Excel file has a sheet called Orders. In that Orders sheet there is a Sales and Profit column. To create an Expense column, one would subtract the Profit from the Sales.

Types of Calculated Fields

There are three types of calculations.

  • Basic
  • Level of Detail
  • Table Calculations

There are tow types of Basic calculations.

  • Aggregated
  • Non-aggregated

Click to Enlarge Calculated Fields in Tableau

Let’s back up a bit and look at how the above was created. Below is a screenshot and notes on the Calculated Field window. On the left we have the formula area and on the right we have a drop-down that filters the many functions that Tableau provides for us.

Calculated Field Window

We have a new pill called Expenses that we can use.

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