C# WPF Hello World Introduction

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series WPF Hello World

Getting Started with WPF

With Visual Studio 2019, the Community Edition, you can create a Windows program by starting the Visual Studio program, clicking on Create New Project in the bottom right side of the Visual Studio 2019 window that pops up.

Next set the three filters at the top right to C#, Windows and Desktop. Scroll down to the WPF App (.NET Framework) choice. Click on the screenshot below to enlarge it and see it better. Click on that choice.

Now, you can configure the project with a solution name (folder) and a place where the files should be saved. Click on the screenshot below for an example. Configure it in a way that best suits you. Click the Create button in the bottom right.

It’s now March 2025 and I choose the highest Framework in the list, which was 4.7.2. Now you are ready to start programming. Please go to the next post in this series. It’s called C# WPF Hello World 2.

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