Born out of a belief that all people have the right to participate in freshwater conservation, Water Rangers creates accessible water-quality monitoring tools and data systems that empower people to do just that. It’s an example of social entrepreneurship.
Founder Kat Kavanagh was frustrated after testing her local lake and trying to discern the water’s health from complicated lab reports and a filing cabinet full of hardcopy data. Determined to tackle the absence of user-friendly methods for collecting, sharing, and accessing water data, Kat combined her love for user-experience design and the environment to lead a team of other technologists to create the first Water Rangers prototype back in 2015.
“We imagine a world where every community has a the tools they need to care for their local waterbodies” – Kat Kavanagh, Executive Director.
Water Rangers organization addresses Canada’s water-information data gap by creating and distributing water-testing kits to individuals and communities, giving them the tools to test and monitor local bodies of water and — crucially — manage and share that data on an open-source platform that anyone can access.