What is Unsplash?
Here is Microsoft’s Copilot AI response to the question “What is Unsplash in about 150 words?” “Unsplash is a popular website that offers a vast collection of high-quality, free-to-use images. Founded in 2013 by Montreal-based entrepreneur Mikael Cho, Unsplash started as a simple Tumblr blog sharing ten free photos every ten days. It has since grown into a massive platform with over 330,000 contributing photographers and more than 5 million photos. The images on Unsplash are available under the Unsplash license, which allows users to copy, modify, distribute, and use the photos for free, including for commercial purposes, without needing permission or providing attribution. However, the license prohibits selling unaltered copies of the photos. In 2021, Unsplash was acquired by Getty Images but continues to operate as a standalone brand. The platform is widely recognized for its high-quality visuals and has been cited by Forbes, Design Hub, CNET, Medium, and The Next Web as one of the world’s leading photography websites.” The bold is mine.
This above photo was downloaded from Unsplash and then cropped by me using IrfanView. The original photo is from Unsplash and it’s by Florian van Duyn and it is here.
The Unsplash Licence
The Unsplash licence grants you an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use images from Unsplash for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the photographer or Unsplash. This license does not include the right to compile images from Unsplash to replicate a similar or competing service.