Use isinstance to Check Data Type
Are you a data professional working with a pandas dataset and have you found that one or more […]
Are you a data professional working with a pandas dataset and have you found that one or more […]
Everything in the Python language is an object. This includes numbers, strings, data structures, functions, classes, modules and […]
What are PowerShell objects? Before discussing what they are, we’ll go back in time to the world of […]
There is a good video on this subject on YouTube. Mosh Hamedani explains OOP and compares it to […]
What is an Object Initializer in C#? Object initializers are the easiest way to assign values of an […]
With object constructors we can initialize an object and put it into an early state. There is also […]
Wikipedia has an article on programming paradigms. Wikipedia says: “Programming paradigms are a way to classify programming languages […]
Code Behind and Object Names This discussion is based on the book Illustrated WPF by Daniel S on […]
This example comes from the book Illustrated WPF starting on page 198, which is in chapter 8. Creating […]
You are writing C# code in Visual Studio and you are designing an Options window for your application […]
This example is modified from the book Beginning C# 6 Programming with Visual Studio 2015 published by Wrox […]
The post C# Introduction lists all of the series of posts we have at this site. What are […]