SQL Server ExceptEXCEPT is available in SQL Server starting with SQL Server 2008. EXCEPT returns distinct rows by comparing the […] August 11, 2017 in SQL Server tagged database / sql / table / except by Mike
Distributed DatabaseWhat is a distributed database? Here is what Wikipedia says: “A distributed database is a database in which […] August 7, 2017 in Database tagged database / distributed / blockchain by Mike
SQL Server Export to Excelhttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=23734 Wizard From within SQL Server you can use the wizard to export a tables or tables (using […] April 29, 2017 in SQL Server tagged sql / data / database / excel / export by Mike
SQL Database Design IntroductionOver at the website SQL Server Central they have series of articles that they group into what they […] March 26, 2017 in Database tagged database / design / sql / introduction / SQL Database Design by Mike
SQL Server IntroductionWikipedia says: “Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, […] January 29, 2017 in SQL Server tagged server / sql / T-SQL / table / column / tables / introduction / columns / data / cheat-sheet / database / SSMS by Mike
Database ModelWikipedia says the following about the definition of a Database Model: “A database model is a type of […] January 28, 2017 in Database tagged data / database / model by Mike
MongoDB IntroductionMongoDB (commonly referred to as simply Mongo), a play on the term “humongous,” is a general purpose NoSQL […] October 10, 2016 in Database tagged data / database / MongoDB by Mike
Excel to SQL Server with Copy PasteYou can import a table of Excel data into a SQL Server database without having to re-type any […] November 2, 2015 in Database tagged copy / data / database / excel / sql / microsoft / import / paste by Mike
TSQL Language NotesBegin Coding Now has a Microsoft Word file with a few pages of crib notes on Microsoft TSQL […] November 2, 2015 in Database tagged cheatsheet / tsql / database / sql / T-SQL / language / cheat / sheet by Mike
Contact Form DB PluginThe “CFDB” plugin saves contact form submissions to your WordPress database and provides and administration page and short […] October 6, 2015 in Plugin tagged contact form / database by Mike