SQL Server Options

There are some options (settings/preferences) that you can configure in SQL Server. To do that in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) go the the Tools menu and click Options…

Line Numbers

To display line numbers in your Query window, go to Tools, Options and click Text Editor, Transact-SQL and General. Check the Line Numbers check box and click OK.

Results to Text

You can set the default behaviour to Results to Text. In SSMS: Tools, Options, Query Results, SQL Server, General.

Default Locations for Databases

You can change the default location for all new database data and log files. Here is an article on how to do this. Don’t forget to restart the SQL Server service after you make the changes to the Properties of your SQL Server. Right click the SQL Server in SSMS and click Properties. Click the Database settings tab.

Text Size in Query Window

Change the text size by pressing the Ctrl button and scrolling with the wheel on the mouse. You can also select the Tools menu, Options, Environment, Fonts and Colors.