PowerPoint Best Practices

In the context of presenting business-related data to an audience of stakeholders, what are a few best practices?

  1. Include a title, subtitle, and date
  2. Use a logical sequence of slides
  3. Provide an agenda with a timeline
  4. Limit the amount of text on slides. Your audience should be able to scan each block of text on your slides within 5 seconds
  5. Start with the business task. Focus on the business task and frame the information in the context of the business task.
  6. Establish the initial hypothesis
  7. Show what business metrics you used
  8. Use visualizations
  9. Introduce the graphic by name
  10. Provide a title for each graph
  11. Go from the general to the specific
  12. Use speaker notes to help you remember talking points
  13. Include key takeaways

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