Generate Canada

What is Generate Canada? At their website they say this about themselves: “Generate Canada (formerly The Natural Step Canada) is a national charity, founded in 1996, and working in close partnership with the Smart Prosperity Institute (SPI) to advance their shared vision of ‘a strong and inclusive Canadian economy that thrives within nature’s limits’. Our mission is ‘to connect problem-solvers to generate solutions to the most complex challenges at the nexus of environment, economy, and society’.”

They go on to say: “More specifically we engage thought leaders, experts, and innovators from business, academia, civil society, Indigenous communities, and all levels of government to generate research, industry roadmaps, public policy options, business and supply-chain innovation, and the capacity needed to develop and scale ‘wicked solutions’ to complex ‘wicked problems’. In partnership with over 150 deeply committed organizations – and through our ever-evolving multi-stakeholder ‘Solution Spaces’ – we are taking on the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and waste. We do so with the belief that deep collaboration is critical to fostering sustainable systems change, and we focus on those challenges and opportunities that cannot be advanced meaning fully by any one organization or sector alone.”

Generate Canada is at the intersection of ecology and economy. Ecology is (according to Wikipedia) “the natural science of the relationships among living organisms and their environment.” Here is a website page that has a heading called Connecting economy, society & environment.

Here is a page on the Canadian housing crisis.

Here’s an article on farming.

Solution Spaces

The website says: “Generate Canada’s Solution Spaces foster collaboration between diverse problem-solvers to create, test, and scale innovations for some of the most challenging sustainability issues of our time. We do this in partnership with and drawing on the world-leading research and policy expertise of the Smart Prosperity Institute. Our Solution Space teams, advisory councils, platforms, and partnerships are all custom designed to address the specific problems we are working to solve. This gives us the flexibility to meet challenges where they are–an approach we believe is critical to driving solutions.”

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