Dates are represented as the number of days since 1970-01-01, with negative values for earlier dates.
# use as.Date( ) to convert strings to dates mydates <- as.Date(c("2023-03-23", "2023-03-15")) # number of days between 3/23/23 and 3/15/23 days <- mydates[1] - mydates[2] days
# today's date - the default format is yyyy-mm-dd Sys.Date( )
What is difftime()? The difftime() function in R computes the difference between two objects of date or time.
# Creating date-time objects time1 <- "2023-03-13 19:09:24" time2 <- "2023-03-12 19:09:24" # Calling the difftime() function where our result should be in unit hours difftime(time1, time2, units="hours")
You can format dates. We can use whatever separators we like.
> #define date > date <- as.Date("2023-03-27") > date [1] "2023-03-27" > formatted_date <- format(date, format="%Y/%m/%d") > formatted_date [1] "2023/03/27" > formatted_date <- format(date, format="%Y%m%d") > formatted_date [1] "20230327" > formatted_date <- format(date, format="%A, %B %d %Y") > formatted_date [1] "Monday, March 27 2023"
Here’s an article called The Complete Guide to Date Formats in R.
There is also the abbreviated weekday as %a and the abbreviated month as %b.
For date time conversions have a look at the web page called as.POSIX*: Date-time Conversion Functions.
# some examples of date and time string manipulation now_datetime <- str_replace(Sys.Date(),"-","") now_datetime <- str_replace_all(now_datetime, "-", "") # remove the - now_datetime <- paste(now_datetime, format(as.POSIXct(Sys.time(), tz = "UTC"), "%H%M%S")) now_datetime = str_replace(now_datetime, " ", "") print(paste(now_datetime, "in format yyyymmddhhmmss", sep = ""))