Color and Emotion

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Color

Here is an article on how color invokes certain emotions. Marketers will want to pay attention to the colors that are chosen for their business. The article is on and is called Hue Are You? What Color Can Mean for Your Marketing Strategy.


Red is very visible. Red has often been associated with energy, war, danger and fire. It is an emotionally intense color and can enhance human metabolism, increase respiration rate, and raise blood pressure. Red is also the color of blood, so it is considered an energetic, lively color. It is also associated with matters of the heart, and sometimes violence. In branding and sports, red often communicates strength, confidence and power


Orange is also a fiery color, combining the warmth of red with the cheerfulness of yellow for a hue that communicates activity, energy and optimism. It is also associated with the autumn season. In branding, orange often represents youthfulness and creativity.


As the color of sunshine, yellow often communicates happiness and cheerfulness. It can also signal warning or caution in certain contexts.


GREEN prompts a reaction opposite to that of red, for it slows metabolism and produces a calming effect. Green is a restful color and is often associated with tranquility. Green is relaxing. Green often communicates health, freshness or an “all-natural” quality. Dark green can represent money, wealth or stability.


White is often associated with light, safety, and cleanness. It is also connected with the qualities of goodness, innocence, and purity.


The color of the sea and sky, blue often communicates peaceful, clean qualities. As opposed to more energetic, warmer coolers, blue is seen as calming. Dark blue is a popular choice for corporate contexts; it is perceived to have serious, conservative and professional qualities.


Purple is traditionally associated with royalty. It can also have spiritual, mystical or religious connotations. In branding, darker shades of purple symbolize luxury, while brighter shades can come across as childish.

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