WordPress Frameworks Introduction
Here is an article from wpbeginner.com on frameworks.
Here is an article from wpbeginner.com on frameworks.
There is a plugin that you can install on WordPress that shows you where you are in the […]
Here is a plugin that makes it easy for you to display your HTML code on your posts […]
Let’s write some code. The line below will go between your two PHP tags. You need a semicolon […]
You can write a blog from your mobile phone if you install the app WordPress. I am using […]
Just a few beginner notes on the PHP language. Unlike CGI scripts, which require you to write code […]
Here is a website for WordPress developers. Just found out about it now. Recommended to me by someone […]
The code below would have a dot php file extension. In WordPress I have shown the code using […]
By default, WordPress does not allow you to auto embed a URL in a Text widget. You can […]
Here is a link to a website listing their top 10 WordPress responsive themes. #10 Esteem – http://demo.themegrill.com/esteem/ […]
Here is a YouTube video of the best 7 WordPress plugins. Most of these plugins are for SEO and […]
Here is a video from YouTube: https://youtu.be/A87uJ0K1dPE