C# Interfaces IllustratedThe book Illustrated C# 7, Fifth Edition by Daniel Solis and Cal Schrotenboer published by Apress says: “An […] December 1, 2018 in C# tagged C# Interfaces by Mike
C# Delegates Anonymous MethodsThe book Illustrated C# 7, Fifth Edition by Daniel Solis and Cal Schrotenboer published by Apress has an […] December 1, 2018 in C# tagged C# Delegates by Mike
C# Delegates Illustrated ExampleThe book Illustrated C# 7, Fifth Edition by Daniel Solis and Cal Schrotenboer published by Apress there is […] December 1, 2018 in C# tagged C# Delegates by Mike
C# Delegates StepsThe book Illustrated C# 7, Fifth Edition by Daniel Solis and Cal Schrotenboer published by Apress shows the […] December 1, 2018 in C# tagged C# Delegates by Mike
C# LINQ Part 2In this post on LINQ we will work with Mosh Hamedani and his video course on Udemy.com. With […] November 24, 2018 in C# tagged query / Linq / C# LINQ by Mike
C# Extension Methods 2Most of the time you will be using extension methods instead of creating them, as we did in […] November 24, 2018 in C# tagged method / extension / max / C# Extension Methods by Mike
C# Extension MethodsWhat are extension methods? As the name implies, they are methods that extend or add to the functionality […] November 24, 2018 in C# tagged strings / string / method / extension / this / Shorten / chaining / chain / C# Extension Methods by Mike
C# Lists Book RepositoryIn the previous post we used a list of strings. In this post we are going to create […] November 24, 2018 in C# tagged C# Lists by Mike
C# Lists String RepositoryFirst we can create a list of strings in another class, instead of putting the list right in […] November 24, 2018 in C# tagged C# Lists by Mike
C# Excel AutomationAccording to Microsoft, at Microsoft Support, “automation a process that permits applications that are written in languages such […] September 30, 2018 in C# tagged excel / export / create / Automation / manipulate by Mike
Control Excel From C#From your C# program, you can control Excel. You can write a program in C# using Visual Studio […] September 30, 2018 in C# tagged excel / C# / Automation by Mike
C# Convert String to NumberTry here for an article on converting a string to an integer. The best solution is to use […] September 29, 2018 in C# tagged convert / string / integer / number / int by Mike