Setting Up A New Windows LaptopSo you’ve just bought a new Windows 10 laptop. That’s exciting. What should you do next? There are […] August 22, 2017 in Windows tagged Windows / setup by Mike
BGInfoBGInfo is part of Microsoft’s Sysinternals. At the website it says the following: “How many times have you […] August 17, 2017 in Windows tagged configuration by Mike
Windows SysinternalsWindows Sysinternals is a suite of programs, resources and utilities to manage, diagnose, troubleshoot, and monitor a Microsoft […] August 17, 2017 in Windows tagged sysinternals / bginfo by Mike
Windows Server 2016As Wikipedia says: “Windows Server 2016 is a server operating system developed by Microsoft as part of the […] August 13, 2017 in Windows tagged server by Mike
Windows DomainWikipedia begins to describe a Windows domain the following way: “A Windows domain is a form of a […] August 7, 2017 in Windows tagged network / domain by Mike
DOS Command to Append Text to a FileYou may have a need to append some text to a file. Suppose you have an existing file […] June 1, 2017 in Windows tagged redirect / append / text / DOS / sql server / xp_cmdshell / output / echo / >> / log / file / save / DOS by Mike
Windows PowerShell IntroductionWindows PowerShell is the command and scripting language from Microsoft built into all versions of Windows since Windows […] February 20, 2017 in Windows tagged icon / Windows / command line / DOS / PowerShell / script / add / Explorer / PowerShell by Mike
DOS Command to Merge FilesYou may have the need to merge together a few files into one file. Merging text files into […] January 26, 2017 in Windows tagged file / command line / text / combine / merge / copy / DOS by Mike
Windows Batch File for Starting Local MEAN StackIf you are working on your local computer and you are working with the MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express, […] November 2, 2016 in Windows tagged MEAN / batch file by Mike
Windows 10 Command Line ExamplesHere is an example of a few commands at the command line of Windows 10. This post is […] October 23, 2016 in Windows tagged command line by Mike
Windows 10 Command Line IntroductionThere are times when you will need to use the Windows command line instead of the Graphical User […] October 19, 2016 in Windows tagged Windows / command line / introduction by Mike
Windows 10 Anniversary UpdateI installed the new update last night and it certainly was a time-consuming one. This update is large […] October 9, 2016 in Windows tagged Windows / operating system by Mike