Best Coding Niches 2024/25

If you are wanting to get into something in coding or you want to focus a bit more in the programming arena, you might want to look a bit more at the following five areas: AI and ML, Data Science and Data Analytics, Blockchain development, Cybersecurity and DevOps. Also, there is Cloud Engineer, and Full-stack Developer.

It’s one thing to pick a specialty, it’s another to define a path. Navigating is difficult. Check out the link below called roadmaps.

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Here is a video called 5 Coding Specialities That ACTUALLY Make You Money in 2024.

Here’s another video. It’s called The Best Tech Jobs for 2025: High Demand & High Pay by Mosh Hamadani. He has a list of 7 tech areas of growth. Check out Mosh’s roadmaps.

Here’s a video called 5 Most In-Demand Tech Jobs for 2025. What are they? AI and machine learning. Number two is data analytics. Number three is cloud engineers. Four is security engineers. Number five is DevOps engineers.

Here’s another called 7 Best Tech Jobs in 2025 (for Beginners) by Sajjaad Khader. Some of these are not really for beginners. Aside from the careers mentioned above, this video also lists the UX Designer and the Software Developer. I like his analogies in this video. He compared designing, building and maintaining a house with the different technology roles. The UX designer is like the interior designer of a house or building who ensures the looks and layouts are good. The software developer is the builder (carpenter, pipe fitter, electrician and mason). The DevOps engineer is like the foreman of a construction site who ensures that everyone is working well together doing the right things at the right time. The Cloud engineer is like the facility manager that ensures the continuous working and maintenance of everything. The Cybersecurity specialist is like the security guard or concierge. The Data scientist is like the surveyor of the construction site (who ensures the land is suitable for the building and suggests building re-design as needed). The AI and machine learning specialist is like the chief architect of the building who plans for the building’s usage both now and in the future.

Continuing this analogy, before the technical team is even brought in, we must consider the business case for the building in the first place. We’ll need a business analyst and a project manager. Who will use the building? When is it needed by? Who will pay for it?

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