Attach Files to Documents

This entry is part 6 of 13 in the series QuickBooks Supplier Transactions

Most List and Transaction records offer an attachments field that allows you to upload an unlimited numer of files, as long as each attachment is 20 MB or less. You can use any of the following types of files: CSV (text file), DOC, DOCX, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PDF, TIFF, XML, XLS or XLXS. There are lots of options here.

In QuickBooks you usually attach the source document for the transaction, but you might want to attach other documents. One good example of an attachment is the receipt from a petty cash purchase.

How would we do this in QuickBooks? Go to + New, Expense, and pick Cash on Hand or Petty Cash from the Payment account drop down. Also record the Payee, which might be the retail store or the courier for example. Notice that this transaction is not related to bills, so you can close the window on the right side. Enter the date on the receipt. Enter the type of expense, such as office supplies or delivery expense or whatever it is.

In QuickBooks, we can go to the Attachments window by clicking the Cog Wheel in the upper right part of the screen. It shows a list of previously uploaded documents. We can however upload documents directly to the Attachments window without entering any transactions for them. You can record the transaction after uploading the attachment file.

Proof of Online Payments

How do you get proof of an online payment where all you did was pay through the computer and they showed you on the screen a confirmation number? This happens all the time. Take a screenshot. A screenshot can be proof of any online payment.

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