Apache Spark Introduction

What is Apache Spark? Apache Spark is an open-source, distributed processing system used for big data workloads. Apache Spark started in 2009 as a research project at UC Berkley’s AMPLab, a collaboration involving students, researchers, and faculty, focused on data-intensive application domains.

The goal of Spark was to create a new framework, optimized for fast iterative processing like machine learning, and interactive data analysis, while retaining the scalability, and fault tolerance of Hadoop MapReduce.

Spark supports multiple widely used programming languages (Python, Java, Scala, and R), includes libraries for diverse tasks ranging from SQL to streaming and machine learning, and runs anywhere from a laptop to a cluster of thousands of servers.

Apache Spark is a unified computing engine and a set of libraries for parallel data processing on computer clusters.


Spark’s key driving goal is to offer a unified platform for writing big data applications. What do we mean by unified? Spark is designed to support a wide range of data analytics tasks, ranging from simple data loading and SQL queries to machine learning and streaming computation, over the same computing engine and with a consistent set of APIs.

Computing engine

Spark handles loading data from storage systems and performing computation on it, not permanent storage as the end itself. You can use Spark with a wide variety of persistent storage systems, including cloud storage systems such as Azure Storage and Amazon S3, distributed file systems such as Apache Hadoop, key-value stores such as Apache Cassandra, and message buses such as Apache Kafka. Spark focuses on performing computations over the data, no matter where it resides. Spark’s focus on computation makes it different from earlier big data software platforms such as Apache Hadoop. Hadoop included both a storage system (the Hadoop file system, designed for low-cost storage over clusters of commodity servers) and a computing system (MapReduce).


Spark’s final component is its libraries, which build on its design as a unified engine to provide a unified API for common data analysis tasks. Spark supports both standard libraries that ship with the engine as well as a wide array of external libraries published as third-party packages by the open source communities. Spark includes libraries for SQL and structured data (Spark SQL), machine learning (MLlib), stream processing (Spark Streaming and the newer Structured Streaming), and graph analytics (GraphX). Beyond these libraries, there are hundreds of open source external libraries.


Why do we need a new engine and programming model for data analytics? First, consider some computing history in the post The Growth of Data.

There are two main options for getting started with Spark: downloading and installing Apache Spark on your laptop, or running a web-based version in Databricks Community Edition, a free cloud environment for learning Spark. If you want to download and run Spark locally, the first step is to make sure that you have Java installed on your machine (available as java), as well as a Python version if you would like to use Python.

Running Spark in the Cloud

Databricks is a company founded by the Berkeley team that started Spark, and offers a free community edition of its cloud service as a learning environment. It’s called the Databricks Community Edition. To use the Databricks Community Edition, follow the instructions at https://github.com/databricks/Spark-The-Definitive-Guide.

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