Top Programming Languages

What programming language would be the best one to learn? Actually, there is no right answer. Programming languages come and go all the time programmers spend too much time arguing among themselves as to which language is the “best”. However, it does matter which programming languages you know. Here are some lists from YouTube.

Top 3 Programming Languages in 2019 for Beginners by Andy Sterkowitz (a self-taught software developer). If it’s your first programming language, choose JavaScript or Python. Don’t waste weeks or months deciding on your first language because, for one reason, you will learn more than one language.

  1. JavaScript- it’s everywhere, easy to set up, widely supported, the language of the web
  2. Python – widely used, easy syntax, losts of resources
  3. C# or Java – (I’m bias toward C#), Java is similar to C# with respect to syntax, strongly typed languages

Top Programming Languages in 2020 by Mosh Hamedani in a YouTube video.

  1. Python – very popular, lots of jobs out there, beginner friendly, easy to learn, Ai, machine learning, but not the best language for mobile and desktop applications, popular for back-end (with Django)
  2. Java – used by large companies to build large enterprise applications, very popular, build Android apps, huge support community, many software engineering books are baased on Java,
  3. JavaScript – perhaps the most popular language in the world, huge community and resources, versatile language, particularly useful in developing web and mobile applications,

Top 5 programming language in 2020 by Hitesh Choudhary.

  1. Python
  2. JavaScript
  3. Java
  4. Swift
  5. Go programming language (Golang) – he expects it rise

Also, C# and PHP are worth learning and they are honorable mentions. They are both solid, but not as popular as the others. Also, SQL and MongoDB are worth learning and are really core skills that are a must. You don’t need to be an expert at SQL, but basic knowlege is a requirement for a software engineer.

Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn in 2020 to Get a Job Without a College Degree on YouTube as Clever Programmer, who is Mr. Rafeh Qazi.

  1. Python – most popular language, general purpose, Django, Flask, Data Science, AI, machine learning, beginner friendly, build real-world applications
  2. JavaScript – very popular, web development, front-end, many frameworks,
  3. SQL – data, the language of structured data,
  4. Swift – Apple, stable on Google trends, beginner friendly,
  5. Java – Android, not the easiest one to learn,

Top 5 Programming Languages in 2020 by Telusko at YouTube.

  1. Python
  2. JavaScript
  3. Java/Kotlin
  4. Golang
  5. DART

Top 10 Programming Languages In 2020 | Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2020 by Edureka.

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. JavaScript
  4. C and C++
  5. Golang
  6. R
  7. Kotlin
  8. C#
  9. Swift
  10. PHP