Are you new to computer software development and/or data analytics but not sure where to begin? You’ve come to the right spot. If you are an absolute beginner to programming you could start with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Consider learning WordPress. Start with learning what it is and get comfortable with a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Google Sheets.
I have a number of posts that cover a range of programming topics including Python, C Sharp (C#), SQL Server, Software Engineering and others. Click on the Categories link above to see all of the topics, and the Blog link to see the posts in reverse chronological order. Are you a programmer?
Most of the posts here are for beginners, but you will often see a series of post links listed at the top of the page. They dig a bit deeper into a topic. Try searching with the search box. For a few beginner videos on HTML and CSS you can search for those on the web.

Welcome! I’m Mike Porter and I live in Ontario, Canada. At this WordPress blog Begin Coding Now I have covered some basics of computer programming, data analytics, data science and a few relevant business topics. I started this website over 9 years ago (in September 2015) as a way to both learn WordPress and create a knowledge base for myself and others. My browser favorites were “full”. From that need came this site. Please have a look around. Use our search bar, and thank you for visiting. has no advertisements and all of the code is free to use on your own projects.
See our new two-page PDF Framework with links to many posts on how data analytics fits into the business world.